Your Support Matters

RILA supports our immigrant neighbors by providing excellent, pro bono immigration legal assistance to those who are most vulnerable and with the fewest resources: asylum seekers and immigrant children who have experienced abuse, abandonment or neglect. 

Our work would not be possible without our donors’ partnership with us. Every dollar makes a real difference in the lives of our clients.

  • $5336 funds a defensive asylum case before Immigration Court.

  • $4285 funds an affirmative asylum case before USCIS.

  • $1000 helps RILA petition for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for an abused or abandoned immigrant child.

  • $535 helps an immigrant seeking refuge in the US file an initial Application for Asylum.

  • $333 covers the cost of applying for Legal Permanent Residency.

  • $75 allows RILA to help a client apply for an initial work permit. Some private firms charge up to $375 for this service.

  • $25-50 pays for an initial consultation to determine eligibility for legal status.

“We cannot think of anywhere we can more confidently give our gifts of time and money than RILA. RILA does the incredible work of legally obtaining asylum for our global neighbors to make them part of our local community. It shows Christians how to extend the love of Christ to the immigrant, and it shows the world that Christians are here to love immigrants. The clinics have so many opportunities for involvement for adults and kids alike, even if one doesn’t speak any other languages. RILA is making such a difference in our community and we are thrilled to be a small part of that.” - Mallory and Chad Kuchem, Volunteers and Long-time RILA partners

“I think that donating to RILA is a great opportunity to showcase God's goodness and love to everyone, even to those who don't know Him. Clients come seeking assistance on their cases, and find so much more.” - Carolina Ahumada Mejia, Volunteer

Questions about giving? Contact

Other Ways to Donate:

  • Send checks to: RILA, 1815 N. Quincy Street, Arlington VA 22207

  • RILA can also accept stock gifts and donations from Donor Advised Funds (Tax ID: 83-3874634 ). Email for details.